Shibu Kurien, Dip (Mech Engg)
Manager - Engineering Services
Mr. Shibu P Kurien joined erstwhile KCL in early 2007 as Senior Technical Officer - Engineering Services. Prior to this, he has occupied senior positions in the Engineering Departments of reputed organizations like Apollo Tyres Ltd, Cochin, M/s Synthite Industries, Cochin and lately at Sami Labs Limited, Bangalore.
Equally versatile in Project Engineering, Repair and Maintenance, Shibu has shouldered key responsibilities in designing and implementing large projects for Herbal Extractions, Manufacturing of Fine Chemicals, Solvent Recovery Systems and High Vacuum Distillation Systems.
At SPL he has taken on additional responsibilities at a crucial juncture. He and his team in the Engineering Services have demonstrated sustained improvements in the area of cost control, energy audit and savings and related functions including improved utility systems in the R&D department. He is now Manager - Engineering Services.